About SGBV Pillar
This pillar is CDTD’s protection arm and is dedicated to providing abused girls and young women (between 8-25 years) in domestic labor among other sectors as well as victims of Human Trafficking and survivors of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence with services necessary for their recovery and social reintegration. Using a 4R approach of Reach, Rescue, Rehabilitate and Reintegrate, victims and survivors are provided with shelter, counseling, medical services, protection, legal aid, psychosocial support, counseling, education, family tracing, family reunion, and social reintegration among other services. TAGS takes in girls and women from Kenya and the East African Community
Explore our SGBV Pillar Wings
National Shelters Network
A National platform for shelters to collaborate, share knowledge, and enhance services for Survivors of Abuse
Talia Agler Girls Shelter
(TAGS) has been receiving trafficked and abused girls and young women in dire need of care and protection.
TAGS Education Fund
Established by the Talia Agler Girls Shelter (TAGS) to provide survivors with access to educational sponsorships and skills training